Is Michelle Wu America’s Food Justice Mayor?

Is Michelle Wu America’s Food Justice Mayor? Steve Holt Civil Eats The new leader of Boston is embarking on the most ambitious food policy agenda the city has ever seen, and one that could serve as an example for cities nationwide. On a raw, 24-degree February morning, Boston Mayor Michelle [...]

2022-03-28T22:40:10+00:00March 9th, 2022|

To Tackle Racial Injustice in City Contracting, Start with Food

To Tackle Racial Injustice in City Contracting, Start with Food Michelle Wu and Sheldon Lloyd The Boston Globe Boston city councilor and mayoral candidate Michelle Wu and City Fresh Foods executive officer Sheldon Lloyd penned an opinion piece for the Boston Globe on how the city can tackle economic recovery, [...]

2021-04-13T23:40:07+00:00April 7th, 2021|

City Councilor Michelle Wu Launches Plan for a Boston Green New Deal and Just Recovery

City Councilor Michelle Wu Launches Plan for a Boston Green New Deal and Just Recovery Beacon Hill Times Staff Beacon Hill Times Special to the Beacon Hill Times Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu has released a city-level Green New Deal (GND) and Just Recovery plan for Boston, a framework for [...]

2020-08-21T21:30:43+00:00August 19th, 2020|

Boston Brings Sustainability, Equity to Its Food Purchasing

Boston Brings Sustainability, Equity to Its Food Purchasing Nadra Nittle Civil Eats Buying locally really can make a difference. The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) found this out in 2012 after adopting a good food purchasing program (GFPP)—a policy that gives institutions a framework for buying local, sustainable, and [...]

2020-01-10T20:11:33+00:00June 11th, 2019|

Boston City Council Passes Groundbreaking Food Justice Ordinance

Boston City Council Passes Groundbreaking Food Justice Ordinance Andrea Germanos Common Dreams Food justice advocates heaped praise on Boston Monday after the city's legislative body unanimously passed an ordinance that boosts the local economy and environment as well as workers, animal welfare, and healthful eating. "With this passage, Boston has [...]

2019-03-21T22:08:57+00:00March 20th, 2019|

Boston City Council Passes Landmark Food Justice Policy

Media contact: Taylor Billings [email protected] 617-695-2525   The Good Food Purchasing Program will bring healthy, sustainable and ethically sourced food to the city. BOSTON -- Today, the Boston City Council unanimously voted to advance a precedent-setting Good Food Purchasing Program (GFPP) for the city. The policy will transform the way public institutions purchase food by [...]

2021-10-12T19:35:55+00:00March 20th, 2019|
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