How New York City Is Revolutionizing Good Food Policy

How New York City Is Revolutionizing Good Food Policy Errol Schweizer Forbes New York City has released a comprehensive and groundbreaking food policy document. Food Forward NYC: A 10 Year Policy Plan is a sweeping overview of goals, strategies and operational considerations to ensure that the city is building an [...]

2021-04-05T19:04:21+00:00March 23rd, 2021|

UF Food Contract Should Require Fair Wages, Working Conditions

UF Food Contract Should Require Fair Wages, Working Conditions Richard MacMaster The Gainesville Sun We all learned as children about the food chain, the large number of individuals from growers and farm laborers to cooks and wait staff who brought our meal to us whether we chose fast food or [...]

2021-04-05T18:58:18+00:00March 12th, 2021|

Food Forward NYC: City Releases 10-Year Food Policy Plan

Food Forward NYC: City Releases 10-Year Food Policy Plan The City of New York NEW YORK—Mayor Bill de Blasio and the Mayor's Office of Food Policy (MOFP) announced today the release of the City's first ever 10-Year Food Policy Plan, "Food Forward NYC," a comprehensive framework for a more racially and economically equitable, [...]

2021-04-05T18:52:20+00:00February 22nd, 2021|

Feeding the Future: Redefining the Student Dining Experience in Austin, Texas

Feeding the Future: Redefining the Student Dining Experience in Austin, Texas Lindsey Bradley Green Schools National Network What comes to mind when you think of food in school? For many of us, our perceptions reflect childhood memories or misconceptions. Today, school districts across the country are shifting their efforts to innovate the student dining [...]

2021-02-09T23:23:58+00:00January 29th, 2021|

Alameda County Passes Resolution Bringing “Good Food” to Correctional Facilities

Alameda County Passes Resolution Bringing “Good Food” to Correctional Facilities Contact: Katie Ettman, SPUR [email protected] Alameda County, Calif. (January 26, 2021) — Jail food is notoriously terrible. A recent report by Oakland-based nonprofit Impact Justice exposed how millions of people in the prison system are subjected to undernourishment, fed an unhealthy diet linked to [...]

2021-02-02T23:14:15+00:00January 26th, 2021|

Local Food Producers May Get Priority In Alameda County

Local Food Producers May Get Priority In Alameda County Bea Karnes The Good Food Purchasing Policy is touted as a way to boost the local economy while increasing the quality of food. ALAMEDA COUNTY, CA — Alameda County prisoners may soon be able to indulge their inner foodies. Alameda County Supervisors plan [...]

2021-02-02T23:45:56+00:00January 25th, 2021|

Good Food Buffalo Coalition Hosts Farmers & Legislators Forum

Good Food Buffalo Coalition Hosts Farmers & Legislators Forum Event announcement: The Good Food Buffalo Coalition is working to bring institutional market opportunities to small farmers in New York State. Institutions in New York State and around the country are being celebrated for innovative new approaches to increase their local food purchasing from small [...]

2021-02-04T18:40:46+00:00January 23rd, 2021|

Greater Pittsburgh Food Action Plan Prioritizes Justice in the Food System

Greater Pittsburgh Food Action Plan Prioritizes Justice in the Food System Madeleine Sheinfeld Food Tank The greater Pittsburgh area is the latest region to create a formalized and comprehensive regional food action plan, thanks to the work of the Pittsburgh Food Policy Council (PFPC). “The hope was that a food [...]

2021-04-05T20:13:30+00:00December 20th, 2020|

Youth Leading the Way with Good Food Buffalo

Youth Leading the Way with Good Food Buffalo We had a lot of fun talking with students in Buffalo Public Schools about what they care about regarding good school food. The students we talked to are leading the way in their understanding about where school food comes from. They know what food they [...]

2020-09-03T21:42:15+00:00September 3rd, 2020|

City and County of San Francisco Pass Good Food Purchasing Ordinance

City and County of San Francisco Pass Good Food Purchasing Ordinance FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Katie Ettman, SPUR [email protected] San Francisco, Calif. (August 21, 2020) — The City and County of San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a landmark ordinance this month to introduce standards and goals for food [...]

2021-02-02T23:48:00+00:00August 21st, 2020|
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